Giorgia Gueglio is an Italian singer, voice of the heavy metal band Mastercastle.
She started singing in 1994, following her passion for british and american hard rock (David Coverdale, Robert Plant, Ian Gillan and more). Giorgia joined many bands and projects, ranging from Hard-Rock to Progressive, up to 2009 when she found the band Mastercastle, together with the guitar player Pier Gonella (also Necrodeath, ex-Labyrinth), and her voice become the main element of the band.
With Mastercastle, Giorgia recorded 5 albums in 6 years, also at the same time she had many guest appearences and collaborations: guest singer in the Necrodeath’s album “The Age of Fear” (song “Queen of desire”), guest singer in the album “Athlantis MWND” (song “Again you”), guest singer in the Necrodeath’s album ” The 7 Deadly Sins ” (song ” Gluttomy “), guest singer in rivisitation of Bach Toccata and Fugue by Pier Gonella.
She actually works as vocal teacher at MusicArt Music School. As “MusicArt Project” she released also the album “The Black Side of the Moon”, covering the intere Pink Floyd masterpiece “The Dark Side of the Moon”.